RM20 000 sebulan untuk pelatih perubatan?

Berikut adalah petikan-petikan surat dan luahan daripada ruangan forum Utusan Malaysia yang melibatkan profesyen perubatan di Malaysia. Isu yang dibincangkan adalah mengenai ketidakpuasan hati segelintir pengamal-pengamal perubatan yang berkhidmat di dalam kerajaan. Kita perhatikan dan cuba menyingkap permasalahan yang timbul serta mungkin boleh direnungkan bagaimana caranya untuk memperbaiki mutu tahap perkhidmatan kesihatan di negara kita.

Surat 1: Khamis, 22hb Mei 2008

Doktor Terkilan: Semak Kadar Elaun Tugas Lebih Masa Doktor

APA yang saya paparkan di sini hanyalah luahan hati saya dan sebahagian kecil doktor yang bertugas di satu daerah di Pantai Timur. Kerjaya sebagai doktor seringkali dipandang sebagai hebat tetapi realitinya tidak ramai yang mengetahui pahit-maung kehidupan kami.

Tidak pernah sesekali kami menyesali memilih kerjaya ini yang memikul tanggungjawab berat berhubung hidup dan mati pesakit-pesakit kami.

Tekad kami adalah untuk memberikan perkhidmatan terbaik tanpa mengira kaum dan agama. Namun, seringkali kami merasakan ganjaran yang kami peroleh tidak setimpal dengan beban kerja dan tanggungjawab lebih-lebih lagi jika dibandingkan dengan rakan-rakan yang bekerja di sektor swasta atau di luar negara.

Masalah ini juga seringkali menjadi sebab utama penghijrahan doktor-doktor di hospital kerajaan ke hospital swasta. Malah, Menteri Kesihatan, Datuk Liow Tiong Lai dalam Utusan Malaysia, 28 April lalu juga mengakui bahawa faktor gaji yang rendah di negara ini menyebabkan ramai pakar perubatan lebih cenderung untuk berkhidmat di luar negara kerana gajinya jauh lebih lumayan.

Baru-baru ini, iaitu berkuat kuasa pada 1 Februari 2008, kerajaan telah bersetuju untuk menaikkan elaun bayaran insentif klinik untuk kecemasan ringan selepas waktu pejabat daripada RM30 sejam kepada RM80 sejam.

Kami tumpang gembira dengan berita ini kerana nasib sebahagian rakan-rakan kami yang bertugas klinik kesihatan dan Jabatan Kecemasan sekurang-kurangnya terbela.

Namun bagaimana dengan nasib kami doktor-doktor yang berkhidmat di wad hospital kerajaan yang kadangkala bekerja berterusan tanpa henti selama 33 jam?

Itulah rutin kehidupan seorang doktor jika bertugas atas panggilan aktif (oncall). Bermula seawal jam 8 pagi, kami akan membuat rondaan wad dan melakukan tugas-tugas wad seperti mengambil darah dan spesimen, melakukan pelbagai prosedur dan seterusnya berkejar pula ke klinik untuk melihat pesakit-pesakit yang mendapat rawatan susulan. Seringkali, kami bekerja melangkaui masa rehat tengah hari dan ada kalanya tidak sempat untuk berehat atau makan.


Petangnya pula, kami akan melihat kes-kes yang baru dimasukkan ke wad, kes-kes rujukan oleh jabatan lain dan memberi rawatan yang sewajarnya sehinggalah ke pukul 5 petang. Sekiranya oncall pada hari tersebut, kami akan terus bekerja sehinggalah ke pukul 8 pagi keesokan harinya dan rutin seharian kami diteruskan sehingga pukul 5 petang.

Kami yang bertugas atas panggilan aktif (berada di hospital) melebihi 16 jam sehari secara berterusan ini akan dibayar pada hari bekerja penuh dan separuh pada kadar RM150 semalam, manakala pada hari cuti minggu dan hari cuti am RM170 semalam (berkuatkuasa 1 Jun 2005).

Sekiranya bertugas atas panggilan pasif iaitu bersedia di rumah dan dipanggil bertugas selama lebih empat jam pada hari bekerja penuh dan separuh, kadarnya ialah RM90 semalam manakala hari cuti minggu dan hari cuti am RM100 semalaman.

Jika bersedia di rumah dan dipanggil bertugas selama kurang daripada empat jam atau jika tidak dipanggil bertugas pada hari bekerja penuh dan separuh, kadarnya ialah RM50 semalaman dan pada hari cuti minggu dan hari cuti am RM55 semalaman.

Jelas di sini, bekerja lebih masa selama dua jam di klinik kesihatan atau jabatan kecemasan dan merawat kes kecemasan ringan akan dibayar RM160 (2 jam x RM80). Tetapi kami yang bekerja 16 atau 24 jam berterusan dan merawat pelbagai kes termasuk kes ringan, semikritikal atau kritikal hanya dibayar RM150 atau RM170 sahaja.

Perkara ini tidak sewajarnya berlaku dan kami berpendapat sudah tiba masanya untuk kadar elaun tugas lebih masa ini disemak semula.


Di ikuti surat kedua daripada Lagi Terkilan, wakil daripada Ireland, yang telah berkhidmat di Ireland selama beberapa tahun dan cuba membandingkan sistem bayaran untuk perkhidmatan Malaysia dengan di Ireland. Orang kita..

Surat 2: Isnin, 26hb Mei 2008

Doktor Terkilan: Lagi doktor kerajaan terkilan imbuhan rendah

SAYA merupakan seorang pegawai perubatan yang baru berkhidmat di Malaysia selama setahun. Sebelum ini saya telah berkhidmat dengan Kerajaan Ireland selama dua tahun.

Memang perkara pertama yang saya rasakan semenjak bekerja di sini ialah kami tidak dihargai oleh kerajaan.

Percayalah, saya amat memahami apa yang dirasai oleh Doktor Terkilan dalam ruangan Forum, Khamis lalu. Saya lagi terkilan.

Bukan hendak berbohong tetapi motivasi kewangan amat berkesan sebagai pendorong kami bekerja yang mengatasi pekerjaan orang orang yang normal.

Bayangkan kami bekerja tidak berhenti selama lebih kurang 34 jam. Sekurang-kurangnya tiga kali seminggu, itu tidak termasuk di waktu hujung minggu. Kami layak untuk dihargai dengan imbuhan/gaji yang berbaloi.

Hendak membandingkan dengan kerajaan Ireland. Apabila kami bekerja pada hujung minggu, bayaran kami digandakan dua kali – contohnya: Sejam kami dibayar lebih kurang 20 euro jikalau cuti umum – kami dibayar tiga kali ganda sejam. Maka tidaklah kami terasa begitu terkilan sekiranya kami bekerja hujung minggu ataupun pada Hari Raya.

Apakah nilai cuti hujung minggu atau cuti Hari Raya contohnya mendapat hanya 20 ringgit? (150 hari biasa/170 hari hujung minggu dan cuti awam).

Kepada pesakit di luar sana, janganlah terkilan sekiranya kami bersikap acuh tak acuh ketika merawat anda. Fahamilah yang kami kepenatan dan terkilan dengan hak kami yang diberi keadilan.

Jika anda benar-benar inginkan perkhidmatan yang betul-betul mesra, pergilah ke hospital swasta. Doktor di sana baik-baik kerana mereka bahagia dengan suasana pekerjaan yang begitu selesa di samping gaji yang lumayan.

Kami doktor muda, memang tidak sabar-sabar hendak lari ke swasta (atau kembali ke luar negara) sekiranya kami terus dilayan bagai orang yang tidak berhak meminta dan bersuara.


Kuala Lumpur

Selang sehari selepas itu, kedua-dua doktor yang terkilan ini ditempelak oleh seorang doktor pelatih biasa daripada pusat perubatan Universiti Malaya.

Surat 3: Selasa, 27hb Mei 2008

Doktor Pelatih Biasa: Doktor Terkilan Persoalkan Gaji Ditegur

Pusat Perubatan Universiti Malaya

MERUJUK kepada surat yang diutuskan Doktor Terkilan dan Lagi Terkilan, saya kurang bersetuju dengan perkara ini. Sikap doktor tersebut menyebabkan saya sakit hati dan ingin saya memperbetulkan minda dan pemikiran doktor muda tersebut.

Tidak dinafikan bahawa bebanan kerja doktor muda (ataupun Houseman) memang terlalu tinggi kerana mereka berkhidmat di hospital-hospital besar. Namun jika mereka berbalik kepada tujuan asal mereka menjadi doktor, tidak sepatutnya timbul dalam pemikiran mereka tentang wang yang setimpal dengan kerja mereka.

Lagipun baru-baru ini kerajaan telah menggunakan langkah baru untuk meningkatkan lagi taraf dan memudahkan kenaikan pangkat doktor selepas houseman.

Tambahan lagi tidak sepatutnya Lagi Terkilan menyalahkan pesakit yang datang untuk mendapatkan rawatan dengan menyuruh pergi ke hospital swasta untuk dapat perkhidmatan yang baik. Tidak semua orang mampu untuk ke hospital swasta.

Tidak seperti hospital kerajaan, mereka hanya perlu membayar RM1 sahaja untuk mendapatkan konsultansi, ujian-ujian klinikal, radiologi, dan ubat-ubatan.

Takkanlah untuk mendapatkan senyuman daripada seorang doktor pun kita perlu membayar berpuluh-puluh ringgit. Kita tidak sama dengan luar negara. Pesakit membayar untuk setiap kos perubatan mereka dan sebab itu doktor dibayar dengan gaji yang tinggi.

Jika wang dianggap sebagai pembakar semangat atau peningkat motivasi kepada pekerja, anda pergi kerja mana-mana pun, anda tidak akan puas dengan wang yang diperolehi.

Sikap ini tidak patut wujud oleh seorang doktor, tambahan lagi beliau adalah graduan luar negara, yang menyatakan tidak sabar-sabar untuk berkhidmat di sektor swasta atau luar negara. Sikap inilah yang telah menyebabkan masyarakat memandang rendah terhadap doktor.

Lagi Terkilan juga perlu tahu, mereka dapat gelaran doktor itu disebabkan biasiswa yang mereka perolehi daripada rakyat juga. Anda juga mendapat gelaran doktor kerana mereka mengendalikan nyawa.

GelaranTidak ada satu ijazah pun di dalam dunia yang memberi gelaran doktor kepada graduan kecuali yang berhadapan dengan nyawa dalam pekerjaan sama seperti doktor gigi dan juga verterinari. Lagi Terkilan janganlah menganggap doktor itu sebagai satu pekerjaan.

Saya teringat lagi kata-kata pensyarah saya yang merupakan pakar kardiologi menyatakan ‘anggaplah menjadi doktor sebagai privillage kerana berhadapan dengan nyawa. Tidak semua orang diberi keistimewaan sebegitu. Jika anda menganggap ia sebagai satu kerja, anda akan mengalami tekanan yang teramat sangat.’

Tidak semua orang mampu bekerja tiga hari tanpa henti dalam satu minggu. Jika anda benar-benar ingin menjadi doktor yang ingin membantu dan merawat pesakit maka sepatutnya perkara sebegini tidak berbangkit.

Kerjaya anda baru sahaja hendak bermula. Kalaulah minda anda berfikiran tentang wang sejak dari mula, jelaslah profesion perubatan ini tidak sesuai dengan anda.

Cadangan saya pindahlah ke profession yang lain seperti bisnes.

Agak pedas dan menyengat bidasan-bidasan yang diberikan oleh doktor pelatih biasa ini, walaupun beliau hanyalah doktor pelatih biasa, namu tulisannya agak berbisa. Dengan ini wujud dua kumpulan yang berbeza dalam isu ini, boleh dilihat pada mereka yang berkelulusan dalam negara, hal berkenaan duit dan ganjaran tidak menjadi masalah yang besar, dan persepsi telah memperlihatkan graduan doktor perubatan daripada luar negara begitu sensitif dengan isu ganjaran ini, sudah tentu impak persepsi ini memberi nama yang kurang enak kepada kita bakal graduan daripada universiti luar negara. Walauapapun tanggapan saudara/i terhadap pandangan saya ini, saya sertakan balasan daripada pihak Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia.

Surat 4: Khamis, 29hb Mei 2008

Insentif: Kementerian Jawab Doktor Terkilan

SAYA merujuk kepada tulisan Doktor Terkilan, Kelantan dan Lagi Terkilan, Kuala Lumpur di ruangan forum Utusan Malaysia baru-baru ini.

Penyediaan perkhidmatan atas panggilan (on-call) di luar waktu pejabat memang merupakan suatu lumrah yang sentiasa disediakan oleh Kementerian Kesihatan khususnya di hospital-hospital. Sejajar dengan beban kerja yang tinggi serta prihatin terhadap langkah penambahbaikan, maka kerajaan telah memperkenalkan Elaun Kerja Di Luar Waktu Biasa sejak 20 Oktober 1994.

Seterusnya atas keprihatinan kerajaan, pada 2 Disember 2005 elaun ini telah disemak dan amaunnya telah ditingkatkan sehingga sekarang. Ini merupakan proses berterusan yang dilakukan oleh kerajaan bagi memperbaiki dan mengimbangi sumbangan yang diberikan oleh para doktor yang bertugas dengan kerajaan.

Selain itu pada 11 September 2002, kerajaan telah memperkenalkan perkhidmatan klinik di luar waktu pejabat, di mana pada awalnya kadar yang dibayar kepada setiap doktor adalah RM30 bagi setiap jam. Bagaimanapun atas keprihatinan kerajaan, Kementerian Kesihatan telah diberi kebenaran untuk menaikkan kadar bayaran kepada RM80 bagi setiap jam mulai pada 1 Februari 2008.

Mulai tarikh itu juga, kerajaan telah meluluskan pembayaran elaun kepada para doktor yang bertugas bagi menjalankan pembedahan pada hari Sabtu di hospital-hospital tertentu.

Setiap doktor yang terlibat akan dibayar RM80 sejam dan doktor pakar akan dibayar sebanyak RM200 sejam. Reaksi yang positif telah diperolehi dari para doktor dan doktor pakar terhadap langkah yang dilakukan oleh kerajaan ini.

Memang disedari bahawa insentif kewangan yang diperolehi oleh doktor-doktor di Kementerian Kesihatan tidak sama dengan mereka yang bertugas dengan pihak swasta atau di negara tertentu di luar negara, tetapi terdapat berbagai kemudahan lain yang disediakan oleh kerajaan kepada kakitangan awam di negara ini.

PerkhidmatanKhusus bagi para doktor, peluang menjalani latihan dalam perkhidmatan dan peluang menjalani latihan kepakaran dan latihan sub-kepakaran terbuka luas. Mulai tahun ini, jumlah pelatih yang diambil bagi tujuan ini telah ditingkatkan daripada 400 kepada 600 orang pelatih setiap tahun bagi menjalani latihan kepakaran dan kira-kira 90 orang pelatih diambil bagi menjalani program sub-kepakaran.

Kerajaan juga memperuntukkan sejumlah kewangan yang besar berjumlah RM300 juta dalam RMK-9, bagi tujuan latihan dalam perkhidmatan kepada semua warga Kementerian Kesihatan. Peluang-peluang latihan di luar negara kepada para doktor, menghadiri persidangan saintifik di luar negara sentiasa disediakan kepada para doktor yang berkhidmat dengan kerajaan.

Kementerian Kesihatan juga terus memperbaiki dan mempercepat peluang-peluang kenaikan pangkat.

Dengan pelaksanaan latihan siswazah selama dua tahun mulai tahun ini, mereka yang menyempurnakan latihan siswazah dan memenuhi syarat tertentu akan terus dinaikkan pangkat dari Gred UD41 ke Gred UD44, manakala bagi mereka yang menyempurnakan latihan kepakaran terus dinaikkan pangkat ke Gred UD48. Langkah ini merupakan antara kemudahan dan penambahbaikan yang terus dilakukan oleh kementerian.

Di samping itu, lain-lain insentif yang diberikan seperti cuti rehat, kemudahan pelbagai pinjaman kerajaan, pinjaman perumahan, pinjaman pembelian kenderaan dan sebagainya adalah seperti yang diberikan oleh kerajaan kepada kakitangan awam.

Penambahbaikan terhadap faedah kepada anggota kerajaan merupakan proses berterusan, dan dari semasa ke semasa penelitian dilakukan dan penambahbaikan akan dibuat jika terdapat keperluan sewajarnya. Kepada para doktor, memang perkhidmatan dan pengorbanan anda adalah sangat-sangat dihargai.

Sebagaimana maklum para doktor berurusan dengan nyawa pesakit dan adalah tidak wajar untuk para doktor bersikap acuh tak acuh kerana kurang puas dengan insentif kewangan yang diperolehi.


Timbalan Ketua Pengarah Kesihatan (Perubatan) Kementerian Kesihatan

Walauapapun niat serta matlamat sebahagian, saya pasti jika tiada angin masakan pokok bergoyang, kita mungkin sebelum melangkah masuk ke alam perkhidmatan seharusnya menerima ‘baseline’ kualiti perkhidmatan kesihatan negara. Mungkin jika dibandingkan dengan negara luar, Malaysia masih belum mampu menandingi bayaran untuk doktor perubatan. Cuba bayangkan jika diikut secara sebetulnya jumlah yang patut diterima seorang doktor pelatih adalah RM20 000 sebulan bersamaan €4000 sebulan. Bandingkan dengan jumlah first salary graduan daripada universiti tempatan dalam bidang lain contohnya perguruan, mungkin RM18 000 lebih kurang daripada jumlah yang kita patut terima (mengikut kadar anggaran Ireland). Apakah yang akan berlaku kepada kedudukan ekonomi negara?

Tentunya dalam setiap keputusan yang dibuat kerajaan, pertimbangan sewajarnya telah diberikan. Namun, saya percaya dalam setiap perlaksanaan kerajaan ada kelemahannya, maka sama-sama lah kita menegur dan memperbaiki mutu perkhidmatan kesihatan negara secara kolektif dan professional. Berat sama dipikul, ringan sama dijinjing. Kalau dahulu kita bermandikan hujan emas dinegeri orang, setelah kembali yang jatuh membasahi bumi adalah batu dan bukan lagi emas.

41 responses to “RM20 000 sebulan untuk pelatih perubatan?

  1. It depend on niat masing masing.
    money does play a part in the current situation but, ask yourself, why do you become a doctor in the first place.
    Is it for the money?
    Is it for the satisfaction of helping another human being?
    Is money a biggest issues? Why take medicine then, why dont take others course that will give a better money?
    Just imagine that, by increasing the doctor salaries, how many others workers in another department that need to be restructure and maybe leave then out of jobs. what about their family?
    Does that meant their are not as important than a doctor?
    Is not human the same? Why there a segregation just due to the IQ level or intelligent of a person?
    Money does play a major factor in current situation but should you demanded a luxury life at an expenses of others?

    and doctors should not compare euro conversion but should use standard or living. £1 vs RM1. dont compare apple with orange. RM1 could buy satu roti canai the same with £1. dont expect to use porche which RM500k vs £100k. that are luxury Items.

    dont expect ‘imperium et potestas’

    For myself, I wont go to any doctor that put money priority over life.

  2. apa punya doktor ini macam.. mahu duit lebih daripada ingin berkhidmat.. hantar luar negara untuk apa? untuk balik dan komplen saja..

    tak patut bagi layanan acuh tak acuh kepada pesakit kerana duit tak cukup, kerja doktor ini mulia bukan macam kerja-kerja lain. Inilah akibat kalau terlalu ramai nak jadi doktor sebab kerjaya ini popular, tak faham apa sebenarnya hakikat kerja doktor ini.

    Doktor dari Ireland semua macam ini ke?

    • oit bro,
      kitorang doktor & bakal doktor bukan fikir sangat pasal duit.. just nak bayaran yg setimpal dengan kerja kami.. kami bekerja memang untuk selamatkan nyawa pesakit kami, tu 1st priority kami…

      tapi bayangkan, kami bkerja hampir 34 jam tanpa henti, anak2 kami tinggalkan dengan amah,xcukup kasih sayang dan jagaan drpd ibu bapa diorang sendiri… kalau ibu-bapa atau sanak sedara kami sakit ke, kami xsempat nk ziarah diorang, kami bagai tinggalkan tanggungjawab kami sebagai anak, dan sebagai ibu bapa just nak rawat orang..

      kami just nak penghargaan daripada kerajaan jer, jaga kebajikan kami, layan kami dengan baik… kitorang dah belajar macam orang gila masa sekolah dulu just nak dapat straight A, then masuk universiti, blaja lagi gila 5, 6 tahun just nak lulus exam… bagi lar chance kat kitorang nak rasa apa yang orang lain rasa selama ni dalam hidup…

      kau mesti selalu dapat keluar jalan2 dengan keluarga kan, contohnya, masa family day. and then, sempat sambut birthday anak2, bawa anak pergi jalan2, sambut anniversary dengan isteri, pergi majlis kenduri sanak saudara, keluar lepak malam2 dengan kawan2.. kan kan, mesti pernah merasai semua tu kan.. tapi kami jarang sekali dapat..

      kitorang macam dah korbankan seluruh masa dan tenaga just nak tolong orang.. bukan mengharapkan balasan dengan bagi kami wang berpuluh ribu tiap2 bulan.. dah lar kerja macam orang gila, gaji pulak xmemadai bagai menambahkan tekanan kat kitorang, lagi teruk kalau layanan kurang daripada pihaka atasan..

      nak cuba jadi doktor x,just untuk seminggu je, rasai apa yang kitorang rasa… nk x?

  3. Ape punye english daa. I am not good either but to the extent of grammatical errors all over the place, this should not be happening. And for both of you, just accept that ppl got their own reasons of becoming a doctor, whether it is subconciously money or humanely helping others. For me, yes I want to help ppl but the issue is not about not helping enough. It is instead not getting valued enough. You might ask, “Ko rasa ko tu valued sangat ke?” and I reply “I practice what you practice as a doctor, so if you think what I do is of no value, then how did you come to the conclusion that you are of any values?”.

    As what a normally curved population of doctors would be, there will always be good and bad doctors, as well as the ones in the middle. Have a good insight of which group we stand in is what we are supposed to do. Neither to do the wrong things and not having insight at all, nor having damn good insights and judging every other doctors wrong coz youre the only one doing the right thing. For example (since amad can only see from his point of view), this doctor was raised from a low income group, and the only one in the family that was able to get out of the “cocoon” and He has 14 siblings coz there was no television in the house so the parents did not have anything else to do except teasing each other. amad do you think he would not fight against low pay he is getting? he is, unlike most of us, having even greater needs for increased pay as he is the only hope in the family to support. But then again, you might ask, how many doctors are unlucky enough like him? You asked because you dont know. At the end of the day you say you dont want to talk to me anymore coz I talk shit. I might, but the issue is to accept that we are not the same. You are so godly-kind, so be it. People want money more than you want to help. Just accept it mate, nobody losses anything. You got what you want, which is satisfaction of helping others. For others, they got their satisfaction out of getting money and perhaps, just perhaps, supporting their siblings for higher education. Or maybe enjoy, drink and getting binged. Just accept it that amad, you cannot do nothing if another doctor layan acuh tak acuh towards their OWN patient and not yours, you cannot do nothing about it, unless you want to really step up and throw that on their face. If you really understand the hakikat of being a doctor, tell us and I will tell you again how utopian it is translated in our life. Medicine is full of shit, but when you know youre deep-shit, there is no turning back. And having peeps like you as colleagues makes it really ultra-deep-shit-smelly-as. Takde keje lain, asyik duk cari salah doktor lain. Gosh I hate judgemental person like you. Nuff said.

    And for Lenin, your ending line is kinda interesting. You wont go to doctors who prioritize money over life. I LOLed. Which university did you go? Talking about resources and costs to run even a fuckin electrical otoscope, you somehow gave me the impression that money is absolute, you get money you’ll get rich. Then who pays the nurse? the utilities? Xray machine? the lubricants you use? You know what, I propose you take this course “Ways of Knowing 101”. And Lenin, there are many loopholes in your arguments. Why did you talk about IQ-based segregation?? HAHAHA. What do you mean by the word “segregation”? and since when people pay people based on their IQ?? Gosh you are also utopian like amad. Have a family and some responsibilities, and see if you can still think like this.

    “Just imagine that, by increasing the doctor salaries, how many others workers in another department that need to be restructure and maybe leave then out of jobs. what about their family?” – Another weird argument. I would say, urm they have to find a new job? Gosh Lenin you are so kind. I need some money coz right now my department is restructured and I was thrown out of jobs as a result of previous increase in doctor’s salaries…. Lenin, this does not happen. Gomen takkan fck ppl up sbb ni nyer, paling lasak pn diorg tarik balik subsidi minyak, so doktor kena bayar lebih kalu dia guna minyak lagi byk dr org lain. Takkan la buang org keje sbb naikkan gaji korg. Hahaha tak logik tul hang ni.

    We did not demand luxuries at the expense of others. It is just how the world is. You get back what you give in. Kita boleh la ckp camni eg nak tolong orang, duit bukan ukuran, aku tak payah makan sedap2 sbb org kt africa takleh makan langsung etc etc sbb the nature of our country. Cuba tgk caner kalu medicine in our country is market-based sat..?

    Lenin beli tak hadiah kat mak bapak masa birthdays diorg? did you help your siblings enough? what about your grandparents, have you done enough for them? and your uncles? sepupu spapat? dah puas hati dah kasik hadiah, or belanja diorg? All these need money Lenin. And you stand there wondering why people need money more than you need it. It is based on your expectations, and people expect differently. What you think, just because you thought like that for as far as you have lived, does not necessarily make it true. And yet you roar after you read that line, coz yeah some ppl are just egoistic. And just in case you wonder how can you improve yourself, try accepting others and what they think. Not labelling or making judgements. Our society is already hurt big time because of the culture of labelling and judgementing.


  4. suruh budak2 yang buat usrah kaji how to increase the economy of a country

  5. Reply:Harlequin

    sorry for the ungrammaticality english but trying not to do an essay or impress anyone here. (I dont type this comment from MS Word)

    Let me ask you. do you learn economic?
    yes, everything have a have a cost and opportunity cost.

    1. Are you gov scholar. If so remember the that the gov already paid in advance around 1 mil for you study. (let say 10 years of compulsory service) end up RM 8333 a month.
    2.Current allowances increased my 300eu with roughly conversion of Rm1500 for 5 years which end up RM 750 a month.
    3.that a total of money that gov spend a month for the contract. =RM 9000
    4. This exclude all the expenses of IB or A-level

    1. Why are you became/become a doctor? answer this question first.
    2. True, everything required money, but why do you expect to be paid lavishly?
    3. As a fellow scientific communities. have you forget Newton law? especially the final
    part ‘To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.” do you denied this
    4. “I wont go to any doctor that put money priority over life.” do you want to be treated
    by a doctor that only go for the big score. leave you to die to treat someone that pay
    better? are you turning a one of the noble occupation into something so sinister?

    Privatisation of healthcare.

    1. do you think privatisation of health system will increase doctor getting paid?
    2. We ran a simulations on country that run totally on privatisation.let me tell you guys. the weak will perish and the strong control. money becoming the only judgment of anything. specific to the topic, are you good enough for competition?

    I want you to honestly tell me how much do you think that a doctor should be paid?
    I will stick to my previous arguement.backing of that arguement, Argentina economic collapse.

    give me a solid information next time, if you want to argue. not speculation.

    P/S: do you agree as a doctor in the evolution theory? that what I understand from the last paragraph.
    Do you want to create that kind of world? where money is absolute?
    I maybe utopian’s, but I want to change the view that money is absolute.
    Ask your western friends, why do they wanted to be a doctor?

    on personal level, I do have right to pick a bone with doctor that put money first. I almost died because of them.

    and try to understand this latin sentence first “imperium et potestas”. It have a deeper meaning.

    “-www.didijustpwnyouguys.com” is so unprofessional.

  6. Do you take the “Hypocritic Oath” lightly?
    could you justified a fresh grad gotten less than 1,000 compare to you whom going/received RM5000?

    Tell me your expenditure that unable to fit those budgeted salary?

    the cost of the machinery MRI,Pestscan etc is all being paid by the gov. so dont try to bullshit, only now is the doctor salaries in dispute.

  7. previously with only 2 grant is understandable but with the increase to 5 grand, it so much. I would say some others occupation in the government should be appreciate as well. nurse, technician, ambulance driver, cleaner etc that also work hard to supplement doctor jobs, work.

  8. previously with only 2 grant is understandable but with the increase to 5 grand, it too much. I would say some others occupation in the government should be appreciate as well. nurse, technician, ambulance driver, cleaner etc that also work hard to supplement doctor jobs, work.

  9. Dearest Lenin,

    I know that you fancy the governance of “the people power”, and for me the essences of nationalism, socialism and communism are all the same, that is to level the society so there will not be empirium et potestas like you said.

    I like those as well. I mean is it too hard to admit how China flourish and is it not hard to ask why and postulate how did it grow so fast?

    I make many assumptions here, and excuse me so did you brother. Please do not throw me with examples from the US, I need local examples of economics and so on (sorry I had to ask because you know I cannot put other nations’ examples into my sense). I am sorry to hear about your bad experience with the bastard that left you nearly died as much as I do not want to experience it myself. I wish that bastard to be punished in my own saying analogous to your Newton’s which goes like “what goes around comes around”. But yeah, come to think about it again (might be biased because it did not happen to me) I think you generalized when you hate doctors that love money. Not all doctors like to have mercedes benz to show off, I want to have a car with top notch safety measures to my family. I do not want them to be crushed in an otherwise preventable road accidents just because I drive a national car due to my spirit of nationalism. My nation do not care about me losing my family members, it just appears as a number to add to the statistics. But to say this does not mean I prepare to wage a war against the nation. Nevertheless, I have the buying power to choose and since I know I am not alone fighting for ever-increased pay, I am not afraid to support my colleagues who fight for their right. Yes, the nurses and technicians or whatever might need their increase in pays as well, but they have their own baggage to carry and I have mine. If you are so politically inclined Lenin, please go politics. As what you would say to doctors who fancy money to go business.

    I do not want to exert dominion unto others, especially not to Malaysian people, not to my own people. That is out of story. So do not tell me as if I am practising emporium et potestas to my own people. Obviously I will treat the makcik tua yg coming to me as a patient but hey I want to think twice if a mat rempit comes to me asking for treatment for his broken leg last night after rempiting.

    Lenin I think I have a good option for you. Why not you fight for the sake of increase paid, and then you can give some big portions of your pay to the others that you find in need such as nurses/technicians and maybe you can also save some portions of money for your political career? And I can still go home, building my family, give them safety, security, making sure they do not become bohsia/bohjan/mat rempit and instead morally-sound professionals, give them a good comfortable house again for safety, exclude burglary/theft possibilities, a car that increases chances of our survival after a serious crash etc etc.

    You said that I like to speculate. I do not think I did any. I call it common sense. Yes I did not back it up like you (for eg Argentinian example, pardon me I like to hear more about what happened post-1997 by Malaysian people, what Malaysian government did rather than hearing another nation’s story which is dissimilar to Malaysian its root). I am too lazy to back my words up using any concrete examples, I admit that this is a weakness on my side. Also by saying about “who pays the nurses PET Xray bla bla” I was getting mixed up by non-public system, also due to my weaknesses. Sorry for that Lenin.

    Again, I hope I did not give credits to such doctors who mistreated you, the ones who back off from their patients because of money. But then again I think you are getting mixed up as well. The one left you on the treatment room to see another patient who pays more, sounded like you went to a private hospital to me. I do not think any doctors from public hospital would do that? So maybe it was inappropriate to house officers to veteran, business-oriented specialists don’t you think? Unless the specialist that did not treat you did locum at the public hospital. You see, what I am trying to say is that not all doctors who fight for increase of pay will do it because they want to get filthy rich and die famous. Some do it for noble reasons (I believe my reason is noble enough- raising kids).

    I have spent much of my life being disabled by money. Yep maybe medicine would not be a perfect profession for me, if I just want to get money out of it. But I am a product of our society, to take medicine because taknak buat parents keciwa. They asked me to be a doctor. Am I the only person? I do not think so. Anyway medicine is not just plainly helping people, you can do any other job to help people. It is more like the in the article above, being able to handle life. Like the argument a doctor (maybe a heart surgeon, to make it more interesting) had with a car mechanic. The mechanic asked “Tell me doc, why do you get pay higher than me? I see you just like me, I fix car and you fix people. I do not agree that you are paid more than me”. The doc smiled before saying, “Do you know how to handle the engine?”. “Yes that’s what I do the most”, the mechanic replied. “Try to fix it when it is running”, doc said.

    I respect your view, Lenin. But please do not make me admire Lenin. I have not read about his autobiography and life story yet so he still makes me scared. But he must be a great man to be able to handle Russia.

    P/S: I am just having fun with http://www.didijustpwnyouguys.com. Sorry la buat sakit kepala reading my superficial arguments above. I had to know responses to my thought. But I did learn something from your writing.

  10. jom kita share link…

  11. saya pelajar tingkatan 5 mrsm kubang pasu amat berminat dengan profesion sebagai doktor..apa pendapat dr??

  12. syahirah,

    i’m alumni mrsm jasin. Glad to hear that you are from kubang pasu mrsm

    ok, let me clarify first, i’m not yet a doctor but insyaAllah soon, not too long from now.

    sila rujuk article saya bertajuk ‘daddy’s boy’ dalam blog ini yang menceritakan sedikit sebanyak pengalaman saya cuba untuk meyakinkan diri bidang perubatan adalah bidang yang terbaik untuk masa hadapan saya.

    Daddy’s boy

    do come again more than happy to help u out.


  13. sy khairul dari kl berminat untuk menjual sebelah buah pinggang sy kepada yg benar2 memerlukan……0176163830………terutama diberikan pada hospital swasta………

  14. biar betul kau khairul

  15. pkerjaan jika di anggap ibadah tidak akan membebankan..

  16. Wad adalah rumah kedua bg saya. dan saya akui, dlm hati doktor-doktor dan pensyarah saya kdg2 ada sikit rasa terkilan. Terutamanya yg sudah agak berusia. Mereka sebenarnya bukan tamak..tetapi mengharapkan saguhati tambahan supaya rasa dihargai. dan baru-baru ni mereka mengakui merasainya atas ikhsan kerajaan menaikkan gaji.

    Bg saya, doktor? nurse? attendant? midwives? siapa yg lebih utama?

    jawapannya doktor..dlm hospital setting, semua kes yg x boleh diselesaikan oleh profesion2 yg lain akan dibawa kpd doktor utk diselesaikan. So, mereka x suka dibandingkan sebagai sama dgn staffnurse atau midwife. They will take all the risk. They will take all the resposibility. Its their decision everybody waiting…100%

    Itu sebabnya mereka rasa kdg2 mereka selalu inginkan dihargai dan mendapat sedikit kelebihan berbanding profesion-profesion lain

    itulah suasana sebenar di wad dan menjadi seorang doktor.

    They are all just tired….uwill undertand when u are together in the ward with them.

  17. dr pelatih biasa

    saya la dr pelatih tu. ada masalah dengan kata2 saya? rasanya herliquin tu la yang “lagi Terkilan” dalam utusan tu..

  18. assalamuaalaikum..
    saya baru terbaca blog ni pagi ni..banyak komen and discussion yang mengajak kita berfikir sejenak why we become a doctor..i have been in service for 4 years..and i think if you goes on , you will realize that money , work, family, religion and everything blend together,,,whateva it is…innamaa’malubinniyah..dapat gaji sikit ke, banyak ke..niatkan kerana Allah..kalau dah tak puas hati sangat, habis kontrk or servis 3 tahun, cabutlah ke tempat mana2 yang rasa memuaskan hati…tapi kerja, buat yang terbaik kerana ALLaH, baru dapat pahala..and mana gaji yang tak cukup or layanan yang tak bagus or kenamarah specialist or tak sempat nak tido dan sebagainya..ingatlh, itu semua ALLAH tahu and akan beri ganjaran yang LEBIH2 HEBAT kat akhirat kelak, tapi syaratnya kena ikhlas..

    for me myself, memang sometimes tak puas hati, jadi mana yang boleh claim, mesti claim jangan tak claim , sebab tu hak kita, kita dah kerja penat2…tapi mana yang tak dapat tu, nak buat macam mana..kat akhirat nanti harap2lah dapat yang lebih baik…kan akhirat tu kekal..dunia ni paling lamapun 60 tu 100plus year..lepas tu mati..kat akhirat dah tak mati2..

    kerja swastapun tengok apa yang kita buat, tak seindah gajinya,,, specialist pun kena buat kerja houseman (sebabtakde houseman)..ada banyak pro and kons kerja swasta ni..

    whateva it is, feel free to discuss, but let the discussion open ya mind and at the end of it, u will feel the most justiceholder in the whole universe is ALLAH..(ni semua untuk ingatan diri saya sendiri jugak)


    p/s: saya pun ex mrsmjasin ..tahun 96/97

  19. Salam and hello to all,

    Probably it is worthwhile to take a step back (I am telling myself too) and look around. Other non-medical people have to work longer hours, or shorter hours with hard labours and get paid much lesser comparatively. At least with the qualification that we have, the choice of going anywhere for example to pursue postgrad trainings or just to stay in hospital as MOs or in our own clinics as GPs, is wide open. For unqualified persons, what they do as their job regardless they like it or not, they have to do it anyway because it is their only bread-and-butter monetary input.

    It comes to a question now that how deserving do we think we are with the rise in pay that we are fighting for before. The quality that we should have as a doctor should precede the pay so that we are well backed up. If people track the audits and find out that the quality of care we deliver is not at par with the pay we receive (and yet we are crying for more) I think any rational men will say that we are on the wrong side. Obviously some doctors said they act negatively to the patients because they are not being paid enough at the first place and they are tired bla bla bla. If say the pay is there, would they be stronger and smile to the patients now? I would say it is 50-50, some might improve some might not. Money obviously is not the sole factor in making us a better person, to say the least. Well, energy is limited anyway. To smile when it is another 11pm at the hospital for 2 consecutive days really takes more than money.

    My second argument is that I think medical students who are trained overseas (or doctors who previously worked overseas after their studies) are in a way anxious about the working situation back home. For example, the long working hours in Malaysia eventually being translated into the issue of inadequate pay. But the core issue is the the first one. Therefore actually it is not about the pay but for example if the seniors keep saying that “More oversea students quit their job in first year of HO because they cannot take the heat”, whose heart won’t be anxious? Hence the talk about pay comes to play. But then why go back anyway if we know that it is not always sunny in Malaysia?

    The thing is, people react differently according to the situation they are in. As what I write before, across families different things are at stake. Some was lucky enough to be brought up in a family of doctors so what they strive for could be just to maintain the status quo be it anywhere in the world. For some others, to rise in the social ladder might be the goal and the responsibility being a grateful child to the parents is more practical by physically being at the home country (again I am generalizing). And talking about Malaysia, it is nothing that we can do about it is still being in a stage where money is highly exaggerated as a medium of success and not yet personal values. (Not saying that after years being overseas we are higher Malaysians, please do not get me wrong. But then again, the only way to move is to move forward. Read it literally)

    I agree with the statements that pay is better off now as compared to before. Many thanks to the government, following up the article by Datuk Dr. I also agree with his final statement (like I said at the top) that essentially money should not dampen the quality of care we should deliver as doctors. This is a fairly clear boundary in the profession. Doctors should put aside everything else and focus being a healer in front of patients. Getting emotionally mixed up at the bedside (or in front of computers checking investigation reports or whatever patient-relateds) especially about money is clearly unprofessional. At coffee table, as long as there is no issue about patient’s privacy, go crazy talking about pay. Now these are clearly 2 different groups:-

    (1) A professional practitioner who treats patient like he is supposed to, and at coffee table claims that pay is never enough.
    (2) An practitioner who ask for more money so that they can smile to patients.

    The government improved the pay scheme and this is a good proof that before this, the pay is less sensible and Group 1 is correct. However, for me, Group 2 is always never right be it improved pay scheme or not.

    Lastly just that I hope fellow colleagues please do not be cold to each other just because oversea graduates complained about difference in practice. (Read my third and fourth paragraphs). If you are in our shoes, it takes quite some time to change the mindset even if you claim that we are on the wrong side. You might be right, but if we can deliver higher standard of care compared to you guys because we are trained by developed nations then I leave the readers to decide it for us. Nah I am just joking, you guys are way better than us anyway especially by being more outspoken and confident in front of the consultants. For that, I respect.

    Jokes aside, again I am emphasizing that we, as colleagues, should never differentiate each other. We should listen to what others are saying first and then only we judge. Being adults, those grey areas are bigger than never before and I know you realize this as well. Right and wrong are no longer as simple as yes or no due to the precipitation of the complex thinking which will the bane of our existence as adults till the last of our breath. Therefore facts and opinions are better being discussed first. That is why we have trials before punishment in the court of justice.

    To better quality medical practice! Cheers.

  20. orang melayu kena bersatu, baru kita boleh berjaya.melayu boleh.sapa kata tak boleh.

  21. takkan melayu hilang di dunia.orang melayu memang boleh.

  22. semuanya bermula dari hati…keikhlasan .. kejujuran,… keprihatinan…

  23. bagi 10 ribu cukup dah lebih dari cukup…kalau nak banyak duit…buat ape diorg jadi doktor!!..baik jadi bissnesman…jadi doktor kena ikhlas….kamu dah mendedikasikan hidup kamu untuk membantu insan yang memerlukan…tapi kena bertimbang rase terhadap doktor ni…mereka juga perlukan rehat…mereka bukan robot..

  24. All is not as simple as some people think. People are different. Some doktor just want to work for others and Some doctors wants better income and Some doctors need better income. IF in 100 doctor, 66 doctor have given up ( who need and want better income) and search for other oportunity, will the 34 left doctors able to function will the current already lack of them around. Just shearing my view.

  25. Pingback: Siapakah seorang doktor? « Hatikumiliktuhanku's Blog

  26. Saya terharu dengan permasalahan yang berlaku di dalam semua kerjaya. Yang berkahwin mengadu nak bujang semula, yang penganggur mengadu nak bekerja, yang dah bekerja nak layan setara dengan teman diluar,
    yang ada isteri nak tambah quota dan sebagai.

    mengapa kita dijadikan kurban perasaan dan mata kerana hasrat kita yang luhur. Ini kerana kita dibutakan mata dengan keajaiban tetapi sedang rupanya kita bermimpi….

  27. U got to understand

    Saya bukan doktor tp isteri saya seorang doktor. Saya faham surat2 yang ditulis. Ada yang membandingkan gaji di Malaysia dan luar negara, tapi bukan itu tujuan surat2 itu ditulis.

    Bila oncall di labour ward, isteri saya berkerja antara 32jam hingga 36jam nonstop sebagai house officer, dan munkin dapat makan sekali utk 2 hari berkeja keras. Kalau tuan2 kata doktor2 yang menyambut anak2 tuan mementingkan diri sendiri jika mereka berhijrah ke luar negara, itu adalah satu dakwaan yang betul2 kejam. So, kalau diorg cakap gaji tak setimpal dgn kerja, itu mmg tepat skali.

    Tuan2 kena ingat, doktor adalah manusia biasa. Manusia perlu rest, perlu makan, perlu rehat. Ni jauh lagi masa utk berkeluarga.

    I think everyone agree that we’re not a high-income country, at least not yet. But, we should be able to treat our doctors more humanely. In New Zealand, they are also facing inadequate doctors, but they implement a law that doctor can only work up to 15hours per day. There’s no such thing as on calls. Perhaps it’s too drastic for Malaysia to implement such laws, but I think we need to revise at least the working hours.

    I pay the tax too. When the tax money goes to sponsoring our medical students overseas, I think it’s a wise decision. If they go back to our own country just to be badly treated, I dont blame them if they go away. Did any of the sponsors explain how they will work in Malaysia before signing the scholarship contract?

  28. doktor = manusia = patient…so korang pikir2 la sendiri nape doktor byk bising sebab x dihargai…

  29. nak duit kena la usaha….sambung belajar dan jadi specialist…bila jadi specialist workload pun kurang, tapi dapat banyak duit. Setiap doktor melalui fasa hidup yang susah pada awalnya, tapi bila dah jadi specialist, hidup anda sangat berubah sampai rasa nak muntah tengok duit. My point is… usaha itu tangga kejayaan. kalau tak ada inisiatif untuk maju dalam hidup, jangan la berangan nak senang. Doktor zaman sekarang…biasalah…sikit2 nak complaint.

    • STPM 4 a 1 b. Not given a place in local university to study medicine. Sponsored by parents to do medicine. Total spent rm 350 k. If I earn 5 k per month, car installment rm 1 k. House installment 1400 . Monthly expenditure 1400.monthly saving s rm 1200 . So how long is it goin to take me to earn back that 350 k? Obviously ill be craving for more money. That’s why do locum s. Money is definitely an extra drive for me to work.

  30. Ape la doktor2 skang ni. Gaji dah tinggi, brsyukur la. Pengamal perubatan yang betul2 prlukan imbuhan setimpal dengan kerja adalah JURURAWAT. Kami yg sentiasa berada dengan pesakit, yg feed pesakit, jaga dr hujung rambut smpai hujung kaki, jaga eliminasi, semua tu kami buat. Susah payah pesakit, kami yang tau dlu. Pesakit lbih banyak berinteraksi dengan kami, daripada doktor. A doctor can’t even remember his own patient. Kami ni, berhadapan dengan patient 24jam, sampaikan kne double shift.

    • Pengarah hospital

      Wahai jururawat, sy lah yg sign claim2 staf di hospital. Utk sn, bayaran OT duit atau jam. Kiraan base on gaji. So makin senior, makin byk. Cth, klu gaji basic RM3000, dapat dlm RM14 per hour. Tau tak doktor berape? Around RM9 per hour.. Adil ke? Claim MLT diploma base on on call & jumlah Ix. Claim radiographer base on on call & jml XRay.. Anggaran claim radiographer & MLT ialah RM2500-RM3000 sebulan. Claim SN junior dlm RM1000-RM2000 sebulan. Claim SN senior dlm RM1500-RM2500 sebulan. Claim doktor junior & senior dlm RM800-RM1500 sebulan.. The best part is, jumlah jam bekerja doktor almost double jml jam SN & MA.. Mmg ramai SN yg dipaksa claim jam, tapi ramai juga yg claim duit.. Yg nampaknye mmg jelas lg byk dr doktor.. Hmmmm. So adil ke?

  31. Salam sejahtera,
    saya terpanggil utk memberikan komen selepas terjumpa blog ini.
    Saya seorang yang agak ‘tua’ dlm bidang perubatan, tapi tak la sampai ancient…
    (1)tidak semua doktor mengejar duit semata-mata. ramai rakan-rakan pakar saya terpaksa berpindah ke swasta kerana tekanan ekonomi. jumlah yg besar telah di laburkan, dan pengorbanan yg dibuat oleh diri sendiri, keluarga dan org terdekat, memerlukan satu ‘makna’ di penghujung jalan.
    duit walaupun bukan segalanya, pada dunia hari ini , adalah amat penting untuk kehidupan yg sempurna.
    (2) kpd adik2 yg mahu menceburi kerjaya perubatan, pastikan niat yg betul semasa mula2 menapak. doktor bukan cap duit. (tak semua la… ada rakan saya hampir2 cap duit tiap bulan). kerjaya doktor adalah tanggungjawab yg berat dan tidak ada masa cuti dan pencen. anda bekerja 24jam selamanya. Cuma pada waktu tertentu anda dibayar oleh majikan, kadang banyak; selalunya sikit. tapi percayalah bayaran di Akhirat dgn niat dan cara yang betul bekerja di dunia, lebih dari apa yg dapat di dunia.
    akan banyak pengorbanan yang akan anda perlu lakukan, dan yg lebih penting pengorbanan yg terpaksa dibuat oleh org tersayang.
    (3) pengalaman bekerja di luar negara dan dalam negara adalah amat berbeza (dua-dua saya dah try), dan yg lebih penting masa dulu dan sekarang berbeza (termasuklah di luar negara). tidak boleh dibandingkan.
    kita perlu melihat ke hadapan, dan terus memberikan perkhidmatan yg terbaik kepada yg memerlukan , walaupun ia bermakna kita terpaksa berkorban. Allah Maha Adil, anda akan mendapat balasan apa yg anda lakukan, jika tidak di dunia, di Akhirat nanti.
    (4). tidak semua doktor baik dan rajin …mereka manusia biasa. namun, saya berpendapat perlu ada standart minima seorang doktor, sebagaimana juga profession lain, sbg penanda aras utk diikuti. Oleh sebab itu, perkhidmatan perubatan perlu ditingkatkan, walau gaji (dan gred) tak naik2. ingatlah bhw ramai lg manusia di luar sana yg bekerja kuat dan berkorban, eg polis, askar, jururawat, pilot etc. (not most politician though). Mereka semua perlu dihargai juga dan berhak menerima yg terbaik.
    AKhir kata, kepada doktor dan bakal doktor, bersyukurlah bhw anda bekerja di bidang yang anda minati, murni, dan di bayar pulak tuh. kalau nak lebih, there’s always locum or private practice.
    terima kasih kerana membaca!

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    business goals through consulting on strategic issues,
    product development, marketing programs and channels for distribution.

    A common goal for a statistical research project is to discover causality,
    and in particular to draw a actionable conclusion on the effect of changes in the values of predictors or
    one variables on dependent variables or reactions. There are 2 major types of causal statistical studies: experimental study and observing study.
    In both types of studies, the effect of differences of an independent variable (or variables) on the behavior of the dependent variable are observed.

    • Salam Hormat

      Kepada anda para doktor. Doktor pelatih kah..doktor biasa kah…atau pun doktor pakar kah…asalkan anda doktor.

      Tidak dinafikan di Malaysia gaji dan elaun penjawat awam memang murah.
      Kita tanya pada diri sendiri apa nawaitu kita semasa memohon pekerjaan ? Nak gaji besar atau apa ?

      Tugas anda sebagai seorang doktor amat di hormati masyarakat. Anda menyelamatkan nyawa manusia.

      Sekiranya anda doktor mengejar gaji yang tinggi dalam perkhimatan awam ianya adalah 1kesilapan, sbb gaji anda di bayar standart perhidmatan awam Malaysia SAH gaji kecil. Nasihat jujur saya bertugas / berkerja di hospital swasta atau luar negara untuk mendapatkan gaji besar / mahal.

      Kepada doktor yang mengaku menjalankan tugas acuh tak acuh kepada pesakit di sebabkan beban tugas dan gaji elaun di bayar murah ada baiknya anda audit diri, bermuhasabah.

      Kepada anda para doktor yang menjalankan tugas dengan penuh rasa tanggungjawab, jutaan Tahniah & Terima Kasih di ucapkan.

      Peace No War

      Puan Hanisah.

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  36. Nak cakap byk2 pun orang luar bukan paham pun. Bayar Rm 1 tp demand lebih. Cukai pun ntah bayar ntah x. Byk pulak yg salah guna A&E, half of green dtg sbb nak mc. ye la murah kan compare bayar Rm 30 kat GP. X dpt mc buat muka taik. Yang nak bergaduh pun ada. Worst lg kalau yg set2 pembangkang yg x sedar bape byk gov dah provide. Bila gov buat GST panas lak. All this while bayar cukai pun kita yg keje Gov je. Dah la kita keje teruk, public cuma condemn je. Good now everybody kena GST so gaji Dr bole dinaikkan. Yang condemn2 duduk private la br tau langit tinggi rendah. Cukai pun belum tentu bayar ckp je lebih. Basically m’sian mmg cheapskate and x sedar untung. This goes to all the patient and family members yang demand lebih tp x berpijak di bumi nyata. Jd dr ni lg teruk dr jd cikgu. Konon cikgu ni mcm lilin bakar diri (biggest bullshit sbb petang sebok buat tuisyen – tamak). Dr is more than that. Acuh ke x acuh, a Dr will still be a professional and will still do anything for the patient. Xde Dr yang nak patient dia mati pun. For those who give stupid comment about payment tu not important/it’s all about passion, just try work 36 hours straight during raya/CNY/Deepavalli. Kalau org biasa berebut nak cuti, x bagi cuti naak berdemo siap. Sedar la diri org2 luar. Korang tu mmg lowlife pun. X yah nak condemn Dr sbb u x leh imagine what Dr gone thru. Money do motivate people and money do increase productivity of Dr. Sbb kalau x Dr terpaksa lak locum extra kat luar. For all the ordinary people, just terima je la Dr ni mmg lagi superior and mmg deserve better payment,respect and appreciation. U’ll never know how a Dr life is and u will never able to live a Dr life pun if given chance. Sbb u not the choosen one and otak pun mmg x pandai sgt pun (another fact). For my fellow Dr, keep our head high and be proud of ourself sbb kita mmg cream of the cream. Stay great and look down on those low life….

    Only Dr understand Dr

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